Linkki Jyväskylä ry, LINKKI is a sizeable student association for Mathematical Information Technology, and Educational Technology majors and minors in University of Jyväskylä. Association was founded back in 2006 and it operates Faculty of Information Technology, within the Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä.
Purpose of the association is act as gateway for students to the faculty, promote the community of its members, to provide various opportunities for hobbies and peer learning, and to support the progress of their members’ studies.
To fulfill its values and purpose, the Association carries out educational, information, and publishing activities, organizes study tours, and sports and sports events, conveys internship offers, and organizes cultural events.
You can also meet the members of the organization, familiar to the linkeens, at the Student Room in Kattila, which is located on the Mattilanniemi campus of the University of Jyväskylä, on the C wing of the Agora building (Ag C233.2).
The partners of the association are many organizations, companies, faculty and various subject organizations from the University of Jyväskylä and other universities nationwide. Contacts are being nurtured and renewed on an ongoing basis, allowing members to have a good networking channel with other universities and to the working life.
Contact details:
- International Matters Representative, Nina Mustonen
- Link to Membership Application Form